Bay Area Diabetes Summit

The Bay Area Diabetes Summit was a collaborative effort of medical providers, community organizations, and medical institutions throughout the Bay Area including Kaiser Permanente, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Pediatric Diabetes Center at Stanford University, Madison Clinic for Pediatric Diabetes at University of California San Francisco, Children’s Hospital Oakland Department of Pediatric Endocrinology, Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation, University of California San Francisco Diabetes Center, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, Carb DM – Seize Diabetes, DYF and JDRF.

The Summit was a big success, from the start of the day with breakfast all the way through the evening breakout sessions. The crowd was inspired by Novo Nordisk Patient Ambassador, Charlie Kimball, the first licensed driver with T1 diabetes to win a race and managed to get signatures. An array of top specialists in the diabetes field shared their valued knowledge and skills with the parents, while the kids enjoyed their time at the DYF kids camp.

The vendor fair resembled a mini shopping mall for everything diabetes; with 35 vendors displaying their products and services, there was definitely something for everyone.

Thank you for everyone who attended, volunteered, donated, spoke and took part in this monumental event. We can’t wait for next year, to make it bigger and better.

Check out the photos and see the summit through out eyes!

For future dates and other upcoming programs, see our calendar.

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